Algeria to Supply Fuel to Lebanon Amid Nationwide Power Outage

Algeria to Supply Fuel to Lebanon Amid Nationwide Power Outage
Photo: Lebanon's Zahrani Power Station

Algeria will immediately supply fuel to power Lebanon’s plants following a nationwide outage that impacted critical facilities, including airports, according to a government statement reported by Algerian media on Sunday.

Lebanon was forced to cut power across the country on Saturday after the Zahrani power plant ceased operations due to the "complete depletion of the plant’s fuel oil reserves," as stated by Lebanon's electricity ministry.

Since the end of its civil war in 1989, Lebanon has struggled with mismanagement, corruption, neglect, and a failure to rebuild its electricity infrastructure. These issues have left the state electricity company, Electricité du Liban (EDL), increasingly unable to meet the nation's electricity demands, as highlighted by Human Rights Watch.

The Lebanese government has been accumulating tens of billions of dollars in debt to cover chronic losses, as reported by Reuters.

EDL indicated that power would gradually be restored once new fuel supplies are secured, either through existing agreements with Iraq or from other sources, according to Reuters.

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