Morocco detains 60 over alleged involvement in online campaign for irregular migration to Europe

Morocco detains 60 over alleged involvement in online campaign for irregular migration to Europe
Photo: Ceuta/Morocco border fence as seen from Ceuta / Source: Creative Commons/Youtryandyoutry

This week, authorities in northern Morocco arrested 60 individuals for their suspected involvement in a social media campaign promoting irregular migration to Europe.

Among those detained are minors accused of encouraging migrants to attempt crossing the security barrier between the Moroccan city of Fnideq and the Spanish enclave of Ceuta on September 15, according to Morocco World News. The suspects are also charged with disseminating false information on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

The General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance provided data that helped police identify and arrest 13 individuals involved in creating and sharing the controversial content online. Another 47 suspects were arrested in Tangier upon their arrival at the city's train station and bus terminal.

Investigations are still underway to determine if more individuals were involved in the campaign to promote irregular migration, as reported by Morocco World News.

For years, Morocco has been working to reduce irregular migration to Europe. Last year, Moroccan police reportedly detained over 28,000 migrants attempting to make the journey.

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