President Macron in a significant development : France officially supports Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara

President Macron in a significant development : France officially supports Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara

France has backed a plan for autonomy for the Western Sahara region under Moroccan sovereignty as the only way of resolving a long-running dispute over the territory, President Emmanuel Macron said in a letter on Tuesday. The letter is especially significant sent on Throne Day as recognition for the 25th anniversary of King Mohammed VI’s reign. 

"For France, autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty is the framework within which this issue must be resolved," according to the letter sent by Macron to Morocco's King Mohammed VI.

"Our support for the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco in 2007 is clear and constant. For France, it now constitutes the only basis for achieving a just, lasting and negotiated political solution in line with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council."

The letter goes on to say that “the present and future of Western Sahara fall within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty, France intends to act consistently with this position at both national and international level.”

The Royal cabinet in a statement welcomed the announcement as a "significant development in support of Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara." 

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