Reports: Libyans deported from South Africa were training as Special Forces

Reports: Libyans deported from South Africa were training as Special Forces
Caption: Libyans arrested at illegal military training camp in South Africa / Source: South African Police Service

Ninety-five Libyans deported from South Africa in August were training as special forces for Khalifa Haftar, the eastern Libyan commander, according to South African media reports cited by AFP. Whistleblowers said the group was receiving conventional military training, instead of instruction to be security guards as initially claimed. Based in a camp near White River, east of Johannesburg, the group was monitored remotely by Haftar’s generals via webcam.

South African police raided the camp on July 26, discovering the men were in the country on irregularly obtained visas for security guard training, which were later canceled. The Libyans, including former ISIS fighters, were reportedly trained in sniper-shooting, parachuting, and sea survival. Sources claimed the men used wooden guns due to fears they might turn real weapons against the instructors. The men were deportedL August 18, and South African authorities are now investigating the camp’s operators for possible violations of the Foreign Military Assistance Act.

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