Rights Groups: Six Egyptians die from suffocation in detention within a week

Rights Groups: Six Egyptians die from suffocation in detention within a week

Six detainees have died in one week at an Egyptian detention center, according to Middle East Eye (MEE), citing a report by the Egyptian Network for Human Rights (ENHR).

On Monday, 49-year-old Mohamed Farouk Hussein became the sixth to die at the Zagazig detention facility. His death is attributed to his poor health amidst high temperatures, inadequate ventilation, and severe overcrowding.

ENHR reported that Hussein had been experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath for several weeks, but his repeated pleas for medical attention were ignored.

“All detainees suffer from severe overcrowding, with occupancy rates in some areas reaching up to 300 percent of the normal capacity of the detention rooms,” said Ahmed el-Attar, executive director of ENHR, in a statement to MEE.

ENHR also stated that detainees are provided water for only two hours a day, leading to dehydration and unsanitary conditions. After the deaths, authorities reportedly installed air conditioners in some cells but charged detainees for them.

This recent wave of deaths follows previous reports by rights groups of sexual harassment and abuse of female prisoners at the Zagazig detention center.

“These deaths represent a microcosm of the severe violations occurring in police detention centers in Egypt, amidst a complete lack of oversight and inspection by the responsible authorities,” Attar told MEE.

ENHR holds the Interior Ministry responsible for the deaths and demands an independent investigation along with immediate action to improve conditions for those in detention.

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