UN experts call for fair trial of Tunisia's former head of truth commission

UN experts call for fair trial of Tunisia's former head of truth commission

UN experts have called for a fair trial for Sihem Bensedrine, the former head of Tunisia's Truth and Dignity Commission, suggesting her arrest might be judicial harassment, according to AFP. Bensedrine, who led the commission to uncover abuses under past autocratic rulers, faces charges of “falsifying” the commission’s 2020 report.

The UN special rapporteurs issued a joint statement expressing concern that her arrest reflects broader issues of freedom of expression in Tunisia, adding that it could have a chilling effect on journalists and human rights defenders. They argue that the arrest aims to discredit the commission’s findings, potentially impeding legal action against alleged corruption from previous regimes. The UN experts urge Tunisia to ensure due process and protect the integrity of investigative work from defamation or legal reprisals. They also assert that the arrest may suppress dissenting voices and undermine human rights protections.

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