West African juntas write to UN about alleged Ukrainian support for rebels.

West African juntas write to UN about alleged Ukrainian support for rebels.
Caption: Tuareg rebels in Mali, Photo: IRON/Phuong Tran

The military juntas of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger have accused Ukraine of supporting rebel groups in the Sahel region, writing to the U.N. Security Council to express their concerns, Reuters reports citing Mali’s foreign ministry. Mali and Niger severed diplomatic ties with Ukraine in early August after comments by a spokesman for Ukraine’s military intelligence agency, about fighting in northern Mali that left more than a hundred Malian soldiers and Wagner mercenaries dead. Andriy Yusov said that Malian rebels had received necessary information “to conduct a successful military operation”.

Mali and Niger viewed Yusov's remarks as evidence of Ukraine's direct involvement in the conflict, accusing the country of supporting international terrorism. Ukraine has denied the allegations. The letter, posted on Mali's foreign ministry's social media, urges the Security Council to take action against Ukraine’s alleged destabilizing activities in the region. It was circulated to the 15-member Security Council for further consideration.

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